
Division of Modern Economics and Management

Economic Analysis


    KUBOTA, Hajime HU’s Researcher Directory


    My research is mainly on general equilibrium theory and the topics are, in particular, the existence of equilibrium in economies with infinitely many commodities and properties of equilibrium in economies over infinite horizon. Another areas of my research is international trade theory as an applied area of general equilibrium theory and the main topic is gains from trade in world economies over infinite horizon.

    SAITO, Hisamitsu HU’s Researcher Directory

    Urban economics

    Research interests include: • Location decisions of heterogeneous firms, • Economic impacts of foreign direct investment on host regions, and • Urban-rural migration in developing countries.

    SUZUKAWA, Akio HU’s Researcher Directory

    Mathematical Statistics

    TAKAGI, Shingo HU’s Researcher Directory

    Applied Econometrics

Associate Professor

    AIZAWA, Toshiaki HU’s Researcher Directory


    I explore the dynamic mechanism through which individual health status and his/her socioeconomic status are influencing each other, exploiting the large-scale microdata in emerging countries.

    IGARASHI, Yoske HU’s Researcher Directory

    Macroeconomics, Finance

    My research interests include macroeconomics, banking and financial system, and asset pricing. I like teaching in a board range of subjects including math, statistics, economics and finance.

    ITO, Tsubasa HU’s Researcher Directory

    Applied Statistics

    MAKIOKA, Ryo HU’s Researcher Directory

    Industrial Organization

    International Economics, Applied Microeconomics

Assistant Professor

    JIANG, Yaxi HU’s Researcher Directory

    Perceptions of Society

    Applied Econometrics, Empirical Industrial Organization, Policy Analysis

    NAKANISHI, Tadashi HU’s Researcher Directory


    Applied Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy.

    YOKOTA, Yoshifumi HU’s Researcher Directory

    Microeconomic Theory, Game Theory

    My current research focuses on foundations of game theory and mechanism design, in particular the role of uncertainty in the strategic settings.

Social and Historical Economics


    HASHIMOTO, Tsutomu HU’s Researcher Directory

    Economic Ideas

    I welcome students interested in studying the History of Economic Thought, Austrian Economics, and Economic Sociology. These fields are open to interdisciplinary approaches and involve various methodologies. They can provide us with an opportunity for contemplation not only of important social issues, but also valuable insights into our own individual lives. Through these studies, we recognize that ideas and ideologies can greatly impact our lives, especially in a society undergoing drastic changes.

    MATSUMURA, Shiho HU’s Researcher Directory

    Economic History of Asia

    My research interests focus on the following topics: (1) Chinese food policy in the Mao era (1950s-1970s) (2) the relationship between the industrial and the agricultural sectors in China (3) the economic development of the East Asian countries in the Cold War era

Associate Professor

    NAKAYAMA, Taisho HU’s Researcher Directory

    Regional Economic History

    Borderland history (Mainly, migration and agricultural development in Sakhalin and Hokkaido) / Doctor of Agricultural Science (Kyoto University, Japan, Mar 23, 2010) / PhD in the field of History and Area Studies (Hokkaido University, Japan, Mar 25, 2021)

    MITSUZONO, Isamu HU’s Researcher Directory

    Economic History of Japan

    My research is mainly on a history of retailing industry in modern Japan. I am interested in the historical process of the birth of the mass consumer society, which has both good and bad aspects. I am pursuing the goal of reinterpreting the socio-economic history from the perspective of people’s daily lives.

    SAITO, Nao HU’s Researcher Directory

    I am interested in the relationship between the state and the market. To pursuit this theme, my research interests include economic philosophy, welfare economics, redistributive justice theories, and democratic theory.

    TAKAI, Tetsuhiko HU’s Researcher Directory

    Global Economic History

    International students who are interested in the history of the Franco-Japanese globalization are welcome. ≪ Francophones de tous lespays, unissez-vous ! ≫

Assistant Professor

    WANG KESONG HU’s Researcher Directory

    History of Economic Thoughts

    History of Economic Thoughts, Economic Philosophy, Austrian Economics, Libertarianism

Economic Policy


    ABE, Yukiko HU’s Researcher Directory

    Labor Economics

    My recent research topics include: (1) the impact of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law on women’s work; (2) regional variations in women’s labor force behavior; (3) the economic roles of minimum wages in Japan.

    SUGA, Nobuhito HU’s Researcher Directory

    International Economics

    My specialty is international trade theory.

Associate Professor

    HAYAKAWA, Hitoshi HU’s Researcher Directory

    Financial Economics

    My research interests focus on the consequences of interacting economic agents, mainly from theoretical perspective. My research topics include: (1) examining mechanisms of asset bubbles and their welfare implications (2) analyzing the working of cryptocurrency and its economic implications (3) analyzing interbank payment systems in view of network of participant banks’ mutual financial obligations


    XIE ZIJIN HU’s Researcher Directory

    Environmental Economics

    My current research interests are focused on biodiversity conservation policies and the management of protected areas, within the field of environmental and natural resource economics.

    SAITO, Yuta HU’s Researcher Directory

    Public Economics

    Public Economics, Macroeconomics, and Applied Microeconomic Theory

Assistant Professor

    TANIGAWA, Kotono HU’s Researcher Directory

    Perceptions of Society

    Macroeconomics. My research focuses on the theory and simulation of the sustainability of public pension systems in a declining population.

Management Analysis


    ABE, Tomokazu HU’s Researcher Directory

    Organizational Innovation

    My research interests: 1) Workplace/coworking space design for facilitating knowledge creation, 2) process study of business model innovation

    HIRAMOTO, Kenta HU’s Researcher Directory

    Business Strategy

    ISHII, Toshimasa HU’s Researcher Directory

    Operations Research

    My research interests include operations research, algorithms, combinatorial optimization, and their applications.

    IWATA, Satoshi HU’s Researcher Directory

    Corporate Behavior

    I am overwhelmed by the diversity of graduate students, but I will try to educate them with flexibility and patience.

    OKADA, Miyako HU’s Researcher Directory

    International Management

    My research interest focuses on analyzing business-systems of Japanese entertainment industry, in particular, comics, animations, and products featuring characters, originated from comics and animations. To analyze the subject, my approach is to interview people who relate to this industry.

Associate Professor

    AIHARA, Motohiro HU’s Researcher Directory

    Business Organization and Strategy

    He received his Ph.D. from Hokkaido University in 2001, and taught at Nagasaki University (2001-2005) before his present appointment. He teaches courses in the school on the organization theory and practice, organizational behavior, and research methods. Throughout his career Aihara has conducted longitudinal research on a variety of organization topics including entrepreneurial activities in industrial districts, management control in the for-profit and the not-for-profit organizations, and multi-sectoral collaboration in addressing and solving social problems.

    TANAKA, Yoshihiro HU’s Researcher Directory

    Applied Mathematics

    “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

    UDA, Tadashi HU’s Researcher Directory


    His research focuses on the emergence and transformation of work practices in organizations and societies. In particular, he has been exploring how dynamic collaborative practices of independent workers (e.g., freelancers), entrepreneurs and other key actors are co-constructed in institutional fields such as coworking spaces, using qualitative and quantitative methods. He teaches courses on organization theory, organizational behavior, and entrepreneurship at graduate and undergraduate levels in this school. He received his PhD from Kobe University. He held visiting positions at Paris-Dauphine, PSL and ESCP Europe.


    YAMAGUCHI, Kurumi HU’s Researcher Directory

    Business Ethics

    My research interest is to clarify the process of occurrence and normalization of organizational corruption.

Assistant Professor

    ONYENEKE, Gechinti Bede HU’s Researcher Directory

    English Seminar Intermediate

    My research interests include understanding how organizations undergo successful change, how workgroups function and interact, and how technologies are leveraged to foster innovation within organizations.

Division of Accounting (Accounting School)



    KAKIZAWA, Yoshihide HU’s Researcher Directory

    Time Series Analysis

    My research has been mainly focused on the investigation of (higher-order) asymptotic properties of several statistical methods. The basic tools that I have employed are Edgeworth expansion, large or moderate deviations theorem.

    KAMEOKA, Noriyuki HU’s Researcher Directory

    Financial Market Laws

    Disclosure of Corporate Affairs

    KASUKABE, Mitsunori HU’s Researcher Directory

    Cost Accounting

    My current research has focused on the development of double account system in the 19th century public utility companies.

    KUBO, Junji HU’s Researcher Directory

    Accounting Information

    To study accounting is exciting.

    SAKAGAWA, Yuji HU’s Researcher Directory


    I study the effect of retail marketing on business performance. Are you interested in retail marketing in Japan? Do you want to study with me?

    SUZUKI, Teruyoshi HU’s Researcher Directory

    Corporate Finance

    I’m interested in corporate finance which is concerned with how business work, in particular, how they obtain capital, how they allocate the capital and how to value a proposed investment project. To understand the firm’s financial and investment decisions, we need to understand the forces that lead managers to maximize the wealth of shareholders. To value the wealth of shareholders, it is necessary to learn financial economics and option pricing theory. Quantitative methods are essential for us.

Associate Professor

    SAKEMOTO, Ryuta HU’s Researcher Directory


    Asset Pricing, International Finance

    FUKAYAMA, Seiya HU’s Researcher Directory

    Business administration

    I am interested in strategies and organizational characteristics of non-profit organizations that provide elderly care services.

    HIRANO, Tomohisa HU’s Researcher Directory

    Financial Accounting

    "What's the difference between Bookkeeping(Boki) and Accounting ? " ——— this is my research interest.

    KOSUGI, Masatoshi HU’s Researcher Directory

    Management Accounting

    Major areas of study and academic interests: (1)Quality Costing in the UK, (2)Practical application and development of the Process Cost Model, (3)Management Control Systems on the Collaboration between Agriculture and Welfare, (4)Regional Revitalization through Crowdfunding.

    OKANO, Taiki HU’s Researcher Directory


    My major field is auditing and assurance services. In particular, I am interested in assurance services other than audits of financial information.

    SAKURADA, Joe HU’s Researcher Directory

    Tax Accounting